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Saturday, 22 January 2011

ICT so far

In the past I have really enjoyed the ICT inputs at Dundee university, but would not necessarily have the confidence to try some of the different ideas out in my own teaching practice. I selected the ICT elective this year to help build on my knowledge which I hope, will in turn provide me with the techniques and confidence to try some of the activities with a class. I also feel that ICT is such a huge part of our lives and this will only increase in the future. It is used not only for entertainment purposes, but in education, work and to enhance the quality of life. For these reasons I believe it is important to keep up to date with technology and provide children and young people "with the learning and employability skills required for the 21st century" LTS (2008) Technologies cover paper. The role of ICT at the moment is to create, transmit, store, display, share or exchange information. This includes media, telecommunications, computer hardware, software and things like video conferencing, email, blogs and social networking sites.

My previous learning in ICT includes making an avatar for myself, as tutors have always advised us to protect our identity. I have added two avatars onto my blog so far. On the left is my first avatar, Dopple Me and on the right is a talking avatar also known as a Voki. I have also touched on audio programmes, animation, games based learning, handheld learning and am looking forward to studying all of these topics and more throughout the course of the elective.

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